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Missed breakpoints: Why is expat excluded from arm-none-eabi-gdb?

I'm having trouble getting an ARM Cortex M33 to stop at breakpoints using arm-none-eabi-gdb on MaxOSX.

Running "show configuation" inside the arm-none-eabi-gdb environment, I see that expat was excluded during the GDB configuration process. (--without-expat)


I'm using max OSX x86_64 and I downloaded the latest release of the toolchain here. I'm trying to connect to a GDB server, specifically an openocd instance:


Using the arm-none-eabi-gdb binary:


Of note are the two warnings "Can not parse XML target description" and "Can not parse XML memory map". AFAIK expat is an XML parser ... and it's missing from arm-none-eabi-gdb. So my guess is that's the cause of these two warnings.

The result is that I can successfully set breakpoints, but they are ignored. In the above example, the code never stops at the main() entry point. This behavior was described here too: