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arm-none-linux-gnueabi can't found (Arm GNU Toolchain 11.2-2022.02 )

Arm GNU Toolchain 11.2-2022.02 support :arm-none-linux-gnueabihf. but can't support  arm-none-linux-gnueabi  (Cortex-A7 processor )

                    arm-none-linux-gnueabi  &  arm-none-linux-gnueabihf   Compatible?

               Allwinner T113-S3 is a dual-core Cortex-A7 processor with 128MB DDR3 on-chip memory that is designed for smart control and HMI applications in the automotive and industrial sectors.

At first glance, the new processor looks quite similar to Allwinner S3, but with twice the number of cores. However there’s more to it, as a a HiFi4 DSP has been added for smart audio applications, the H.264 encoder is gone replaced by an MPJEG encoder, and the company claims support for “industrial level working temperature”, plus a 10-year life cycle. among other differences.