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Performance between Arm compiler and GNU compiler on arm_cfft_q31()


    We're doing porting on M55, and find some performance difference between Arm compiler and GNU compiler while running on MPS3 board.

    We write a simple test function to do arm_cfft_init_q31() and arm_cfft_q31(), print log at the beginning and end of this test function, and measure the time difference between them.

    First we compile it with Arm Development Studio, and it costs about 0.1s to finish the teset function on the MPS3 board

    Then we compile it with gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10 under Arm FVP (Fixed Virtual Platforms), and it costs about 0.32s.

    ARM_MATH_MVEI are defined in both envorinment.

    Is this performnce difference reasonable?