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Python 2.7 dependency for arm-none-eabi-gdb at windows hosts


i've installed the current version of the arm-none-eabi toolchain (11.2 2022.02) for Windows and i'm wondering why is there a mandatory dependency to the "Python DLL dependencies" for GDB usage which indeed uses Python 2.7.4?

As far as i know Python2 is deprecated and it is recommended to switch to Python3 for current releases since April 2020. On the other hand for Linux hosts there is at least a dependency against Python3.6.

With the previous arm-none-eabi toolchain version 2021.10 there is no such dependency.

Kind regards,


  • Hello,

    Arm GNU Toolchain version 10.3-2021.10 provided arm-none-eabi-gdb with python support and arm-none-eabi-gdb without python support.

    Arm GNU Toolchain version 11.2-2022.02 only provides arm-none-eabi-gdb with python support. However, the python packages are not provided (similar to previous releases). Therefore, using GDB requires a working installation of Python. For the Windows based toolchains, this requires installing Python 2.7 (for 32-bit).

    The Python2 EOL is a known limitation and this is being considered as part of future releases.

  • Hello,

    Arm GNU Toolchain version 10.3-2021.10 provided arm-none-eabi-gdb with python support and arm-none-eabi-gdb without python support.

    Arm GNU Toolchain version 11.2-2022.02 only provides arm-none-eabi-gdb with python support. However, the python packages are not provided (similar to previous releases). Therefore, using GDB requires a working installation of Python. For the Windows based toolchains, this requires installing Python 2.7 (for 32-bit).

    The Python2 EOL is a known limitation and this is being considered as part of future releases.
