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Error building gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10-src on PocketBeagle

I am attempting to install and build gcc-arm-none-eabi source on a PocketBeagle SBC.  The PB has an embedded Arm A8 in the TI OSD3358 SiP.  The ultimate goal is to be able to build CircuitPython on the PB.  I have installed all the prerequisite packages for the Debian "Buster" IoT operating system, version 10.3 armhf architecture.  During the script, the install fails at Task [II-0] /i686-w64-mingw32/zlib/ line 267 with error message;

"Compiler error reporting is too harsh for ./configure (perhaps remove -Werror).
** ./configure aborting."

Do you know what that means?  How do I fix it?  Thanks in advance.
