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Debug mode error depending on toolchain version? "bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target errors"


We have been using Atmel Studio 7 (now being called Microchip Studio) for a project on a Cortex-M4 with the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9-2020-q2-update, debug level set to maximum (-g3). I have been able to see the local and auto variables when stepping through in debug mode.

When we switch the toolchain to GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 10 2021.07, we no longer see the variable values when stepping through in debug mode, and instead get this message when you hover over the same variables you could see before:


bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target errors


The project builds and runs on our MCU with both toolchain selections. 

Tried this on more than one machine. Any thoughts on what we're missing? Google searches don't seem to identify this case, since we haven't changed the underlying code, just the toolchain. Or is this really an IDE issue?

Many thanks.