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Regarding ARM compiler 6.6

Hi All,

For STM32f0 board we are using ARM compiler 6.6. I have few doubts regarding the bin size and linker files.

1. Why is it generating a big bin file (almost 400MB)  (using arm-none-eabi-objcopy to convert *.axf file to *.bin)?  Is there any issue with my scatter file?

 Below is the scatter file content I'm using

LR_IROM1 0x08000000 0x40000 { ; load region size_region
ER_RO +0 { ; load address = execution address
*.o (RESET, +First)

ER_RW 0x20000000 0x00008000 { ; RW data

ER_ZI +0 {

ER_FS 0x0803FC00 FIXED 0x400 {
flashSignatures_zero.o (+CONST)

2. I tried to use GNU linker script (*.ld) instead of scatter file but the *.axf file is too small when I compared it with the scatter file generated *.axf.

Link shows that armlink takes the scatter file as input, not the *.ld file.

Is that my understanding correct? If No then how to use the *.ld file instead of scatter file.

Thanks & Regards,

Bhargavi Ale