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LTO linker error with GNU Arm 10.3-2021.07

I have attempted to upgrade the toolchain on a project for a Cortex-M0+ that requires LTO to fit in flash. The project has built just fine up until now, but after upgrading to the latest 10.3-2021.07 version, the linking stage fails. Here's what the output looks like:

/tmp/cczekWsc.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/cczekWsc.s:2262: Warning: ignoring changed section attributes for .data
/tmp/cczekWsc.s:2272: Warning: dwarf line number information for .data ignored
/tmp/cczekWsc.s:2277: Warning: dwarf line number information for .data ignored
(repeated hundreds of times)
/tmp/cczekWsc.s:61406: Error: leb128 operand is an undefined symbol: .LVU708
/tmp/cczekWsc.s:61407: Error: leb128 operand is an undefined symbol: .LVU708
/tmp/cczekWsc.s:61425: Error: leb128 operand is an undefined symbol: .LVU730
(also repeated hundred plus of times)

Has anyone seen anything like this before? I tried searching for help on this, but came up blank. I'm unsure about how I should even start approaching this as I was unable to even keep the temporary assembler output from the LTO process.

  • I tried to use LTO in a project with a size limitation.
    It turned out that the issues disappeared when I downgraded the toolchain to version 9.2.1.
    I am not sure if the problems are related.

    [100%] Linking CXX executable C:\.....\Build\release\......elf
    C:\Users\.....\AppData\Local\Temp\ccc05Sxb.s: Assembler messages:
    C:\Users\.....\AppData\Local\Temp\ccc05Sxb.s:3544: Error: branch out of range
    lto-wrapper.exe: fatal error: C:\.....\bin\arm-none-eabi-g++.exe returned 1 exit status
    compilation terminated.
    c:/...../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: error: lto-wrapper failed
    collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    mingw32-make.exe[2]: *** [CMakeFiles\......elf.dir\build.make:1552: C:/...../Build/release/......elf] Error 1
    mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [CMakeFiles\Makefile2:83: CMakeFiles/......elf.dir/all] Error 2
    mingw32-make.exe: *** [Makefile:90: all] Error 2
    The terminal process "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command cmake --build . -j" terminated with exit code: 1.

  • I tried to use LTO in a project with a size limitation.
    It turned out that the issues disappeared when I downgraded the toolchain to version 9.2.1.
    I am not sure if the problems are related.

    [100%] Linking CXX executable C:\.....\Build\release\......elf
    C:\Users\.....\AppData\Local\Temp\ccc05Sxb.s: Assembler messages:
    C:\Users\.....\AppData\Local\Temp\ccc05Sxb.s:3544: Error: branch out of range
    lto-wrapper.exe: fatal error: C:\.....\bin\arm-none-eabi-g++.exe returned 1 exit status
    compilation terminated.
    c:/...../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: error: lto-wrapper failed
    collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    mingw32-make.exe[2]: *** [CMakeFiles\......elf.dir\build.make:1552: C:/...../Build/release/......elf] Error 1
    mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [CMakeFiles\Makefile2:83: CMakeFiles/......elf.dir/all] Error 2
    mingw32-make.exe: *** [Makefile:90: all] Error 2
    The terminal process "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command cmake --build . -j" terminated with exit code: 1.

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