Hello the ARM Community,Context:We have an STM32 project we build using the arm-none-eabi 10.3-2021.07 toolchain.The development/debug is mainly done on Windows.Then we came to setup a continuous integration system (on Linux server/workers), using the linux build of the same toolchain version.Both toolchains came from developer.arm.com/.../downloads.
Problem:Using the same source, same cmake file, same linker script, the binary outputs are 99% identical, except for a few functions that are not compiled the same way.The disassembling shows the differences are quite light.Both binaries seem to run flawlessly (as far as I can tell), but from a validation point of view I find it worrisome as if differences can occur some in the future could be less innocuous, and I would prefer that both binaries be the same (apart from the build date, etc., though are reproducible build should even be feasible).
1. Does anybody stumbled in the same kind of problem?2. Is there a known way to avoid this difference? (except running the windows toolchain on linux or vice versa)
All suggestion or welcome.Have a nice day!