I am using GHS MULTI to build an linker script. But there are some memory gaps that are causing checksum error when running the code. Can anyone suggest methods to fill the memory gaps in the liner script .ld file( I want solution that can be used in .ld file). I used =fill and FILL() after all the sections in my SECTIONS{} but of no use. Can u suggest some other methods.
Also can anyone give some complete working examples of =fill and FILL() Section attributes.
I have tried as following, SECTIONS {
.text CLEAR : FILL(0xFF) >. or
.text FILL(0xFF) : >. or
.text : } > . or
.text = 0xFF : > . or
.text : > . =0xFF or
.text : =0xFF > .
I have tried all the mentioned scenarios but there was no memory filled at required loaction and when using clear some memory is getting framented at end address( First it was S315 in .srec but when used CLEAR it became S309)
Please note this is a forum for users of the Arm Compiler [https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/embedded/arm-compiler],
It is unlikely the audience has experience with the GHS toolchains.