I'm trying to compile and execute small code using free Foundation platform. I'd like to compile code with arm gcc and execute it on Foundation platform in order to start developing on ARM platform without buying a bare-metal board. And in the future use FVP for bigger projects, using gcc as compiler.
Anyone can provide a simple step-by-step (which gcc version of toolchain to download, compiling and linking options, execution commands, etc... ) guide to achieve a simple "hello_word" program using the tools mentioned above?
Thanks a lot!!!
Hi there, I have moved your question to the Arm Compilers forum. Many thanks.
Software stacks are available here:https://community.arm.com/developer/tools-software/oss-platforms/w/docs/490/a-class-platforms
Depending on your use case, you may find the newer Ecosystem FVPs to be more suitable to your needs, which are provided with their own software stacks:https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/arm-platforms-software/arm-ecosystem-fvps