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Syntax for an immediate offset value from an assembly time calculation

I would like to calculate an offset from the current PC to a label in subsequent program flow.


        instruction to use #value

        value = label - .

label: other instruction

How would be the syntax for that?

  •      .org 0x20000000
          str r0,[r15,here-.]
    branch: b here
    here:   .dc.l 0xffffffff
    there:  .dc.l 23568900

    The above is incorrect of course, just to show my intention. I want to construct

    an instruction to store something PC-relative (R15) and from my understanding this works when an offset is specified.

    The offset has to be an immediate value. (starting with #). The assembler knows the value (here - . ). What would be the correct syntax for this?

    I get:

    $ make
    arm-none-eabi-as l.s
    l.s: Assembler messages:
    l.s:2: Error: immediate expression requires a # prefix -- `str r0,[r15,here-.]'
    make: *** [l.o] Error 1

  • By further reading in the as.pdf manual in the gnu-toolchain documentation I found in chapter that there is a

    .syntax directive. Setting it to `unified` gives the desired result. It allows for ommitting the # designator for immediate operands. Although it would be interesting to know how the syntax would look with the "normal" syntax, I can live with that for now:

            .syntax unified
            .org 0x20000000
            str r0,[r15,here-.]
    branch: b here
    here:   .dc.l 0xffffffff
    there:  .dc.l 23568900

    and assembled:

    arm-none-eabi-as -a l.s
    ARM GAS  l.s                    page 1
       1                            .syntax unified
       2 0000 00000000              .org 0x20000000
       2      00000000
       2      00000000
       2      00000000
       2      00000000
       3 20000000 08008FE5          str r0,[r15,here-.]
       4 20000004 FFFFFFEA  branch: b here
       6 20000008 FFFFFFFF  here:   .dc.l 0xffffffff
       7 2000000c 04A26701  there:  .dc.l 23568900
       8                            .end
    ^LARM GAS  l.s                  page 2
                     l.s:6      .text:0000000020000008 here
                                .text:0000000000000000 $d
                     l.s:3      .text:0000000020000000 $a
                     l.s:4      .text:0000000020000004 branch
                     l.s:6      .text:0000000020000008 $d
                     l.s:7      .text:000000002000000c there