I download ARM compile 5.0.1 32 bit Linux, and license file as below
But I get an "Invalid license file syntax." error, that I can not understand how to do.
ARM501 $ export LM_LICENSE_FILE=$PWD/License.bin
ARM501 $ export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/rootfs/bin/
Where did you get this license from? Arm evaluation licenses are typically 30-day.Note also that standard evaluation licenses do not enable older compiler versions (the latest Arm Compiler 5 version is 5.06).Can you share the license file used? It may be better to raise an official support case with Arm from the support menu above.
Hi Peter,
We've been digging here, and I think we understand. There is a huge range of developers for Arm-based products, with diverse tools needs. To better serve Arm developers and to deliver tools tailored to specific needs, we have more than one compiler.
We think that you have an eval license for our Linux compiler, perfectly suited to building Linux applications for highly parallel environments. However Arm Compiler 5.01 is a legacy release of our embedded toolchain, perfectly suited to creating small, fast, bare-metal images.
Which way we go from here depends on what you need to do, whether you're working bare-metal or for Linux. Could you ping me a message, so we can help you get set up.