I downloaded gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz from category "Windows (mingw-w64-i686) hosted cross compilers".
I want to unpack it and find problem with linux and windows file formats: gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar contains many files like "file.h" and "fiLe.h" in the same directory. It's ok to category "x86_64 Linux hosted cross compilers", but not for Windows.
Can I install gcc-arm-none-linux-gnueabi toolchain on Windows?
Hi Leonidus
It is not uncommon to see such issues as Windows does not differentiate between file.h and FILE.h in the same way that Linux does. However, I was able to install the above package without issue on my Win10 machine with 7-zip. Are you sure you used the correct tarball? Did you download from:https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-a/downloads
Oh! Thank you)
I tried unpack tar using 7zip. After your question "Are you sure you used the correct tarball?", I think about it and unpack it by using Cygwin.
1. Unpack *.xz by 7Zip;
2. Unpack *.tar by Cygwin: tar xvf <.tar file>
Regards, Leonid =)
P.s. I just start working with ARM and Linux after FPGA and baremetal, because of it I have many stupid questions.