Hi Experts,
I am currently using mix of code between C++ and C codes.
Which version of arm none-eabi GCC supports both C and C++ mix code usage in much efficient way ?
I am using C++ in --std=c++11 and C in --std=c99 options,
Which C++ compiler toolchain binary will be apt. Is it arm-none-eabi-g++ (or) cpp (or) c++ ?
Is it good to use same compiler (G++) for compiling both C and C++ or any better way suggested.
I have to correct you that this forum IS for GNU toolchain from Arm, as stated in the cover page. But I do agree with you that the question asked in this thread should be asked in gcc community forum, via a mail list called gcc-help.
This forum focus on questions specific to Arm release of GNU toolchain, which is based on open source GCC and others. When the questions are able generic GCC usage, like language features, usually gcc-help come give you a quicker answer.
Very quickly here is my answer: gcc for C, g++ for C++. They can always be mixed in linking stage effectively.