Hello. I'm working on a DS-5 project for a computer architecture class.
Our instructor set up and put the project up for download. However for our final project my group and I are to work together on a small implementation of our choice.
Since its not easy to work on assembly in the same file together, we would like to add two additional calls to our C code provided by the instructor.
I need to know how to do such a thing. If someone could point me to a tutorial or explain the process I would greatly appreciate it!
Hello - I see this message is still marked as unanswered.
DS-5 contains a number of examples. Go to File -> Import -> DS-5 -> Examples and Programming Libraries -> Examples -> Armv8 Bare-Metal, and select any of the startup* examples that best match your final target.
As Daith writes, the C code will obey the Procedure Call standard, so you can understand in which registers parameters are passed, and which registers are corruptible, which should be stacked etc.