I have some problem to connect DS5 (v5.26.2) debugger to nvidia TX1 board. First, I used the "platform configuration" wizard in eclipse for creating TX1 which seems ok except few warnings about devices that does not have any connections (CSTFunnel / CSETM). Then, I created debug configuration (baremetal debug with connect only option). When I try to debug, I have a "connection Failed" popup with the following message: "Unable to connect to... Reason: Unable to connect to USB:XXXXXX Unable to connect to device APB_0 No connection to target.".
Does somebody successfully connect DS5 debugger to RX1? Any tips would be greatly appreciate!
Thanks in advance!
Hello Stuart,
You were right, the secondary cores weren't power on. I thought that u-boot did the power-up but it wasn't the case! Also, secondary cores booting on TX1 is done via PSCI interface, way easier than the power-up routine described in TX1 board TRM!
Thanks again for the help