I am using DS-5 eclipse to create Hello world project referring to this. I got output file HelloWorld.axf file. I have transferred to target and tried to execute. I got following error
firefly@firefly:~$ ./HelloWorld.axf Killed
I am not understanding, what are the properties should i consider while creating executable. Please help me to solve this issue .
It looks like you have compiled a 'bare-metal' executable and then tried to run it under the Linux OS.
This won't work. Linux has set rules as to how any application should interact with it and the 'Hello World' application that you have created assumes there is no underlying OS running and so will attempt to initialise things for itself.
Whereas of course Linux has already done this.
What you need to do is follow the tutorial at
DS-5 Development Studio | Linux Application Debugging Using DS-5 – ARM Developer
which tells you how to build a Linux 'Hello World' application using GCC.
Once you have built that application you could try it on your target.
I hope that helps ?
Thanks for ...reading and replying
if i go for GCC every thing work fine....able to execute programme but i want to use ARM Compiler to build programme so i am following this documents.
Please guide how to use ARM Compiler to build and execute the programme on ARM ubuntu?
I'm not sure it's supported in the ARM compiler any more (it was briefly some years ago). Based on the current compiler selection guide:
C/C++ Compilers for ARM – ARM Developer
... all of the ARM Compiler releases are designed for bare-metal development without an OS, and the recommended C compiler for Linux development is GCC.
HTH, Pete