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ARM DS-5 IDE quits abnormally when editing Window->Preferences->Code Templates


Currently I am using ARM DS-5 Profecssional Edition (Version 5.22.0) Build number: 5220021

When I tried to add/edit some C/C++ source/header templates in Window->Preferences->Code Templates,

The IDE will always quit abnormally.



  • Hi @tony_cb -- if you have a DS-5 Professional Edition license then you're entitled to support from ARM through the support and maintenance channels. In the first instance though you'll probably be asked to use DS-5 5.23.1 and confirm the problem appears with that revision. I couldn't reproduce it here with a quick test. When exactly does it fail (what operation exactly did you attempt to perform?) and do you see anything in the Eclipse error log when you restart the IDE?

  • Hi  mwsealey,

    I just found a way to reproduce this issue 100%.

    1. Open the ARM DS-5 IDE with a empty workspace.

    2. Open the Preferences dialog, and go to C/C++->Editor->Templates

    3. Import the attached header template file attached, and edit the newly imported template -- "Header"

    4. Copy the word "2016",  select the word "2009 ", paste, press OK, and soon your IDE will be gone

    5. When you reopen your IDE, no error will be reported, and when you look at the template you just added,

    it will not be there

    The template file -- HeaderTemplateForContentAssitant.xml  and a snap shot are attached.

  • Hi tony_cb,

    Many thanks for the reproducer, except I can't reproduce this on either DS-5 v5.24, v5.23.1 or v5.22 I am afraid.

    On each of these versions I am able to import the header template, Edit it, copy the 4 digits of '2016' from your text and paste them in place of the occurrence of the 4 digits '2009' within the header template, click 'OK' and everything is still fine.

    I can exit the template editor, then go back in and see the amended header template with the year of '2016' in the text as I would expect.

    I can confirm that for each version, I created a new workspace for DS-5 to use.

    For reference, I am doing this under Windows 7, 64 bit.

    What host OS are you using ?

