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DS-5 External Builder (Gnu Make Builder) is not working


I encounter a wired issue by using external builder (Gnu Make Builder) to compile Armv8 project with DS-5 v5.22/5.23 compiler 6.

I simply created a "Hello World" example project as ARM link provide:

When I set builder in C/C++ Builder, Tool Chain Editor page to "Gnu Make Builder" (means builder type: External Builder), I always got error message:


14:21:20 **** Incremental Build of configuration Debug for project HelloARMv8 ****

make all

'"C:\Users\ernietan\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEUpdate\cacls.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

'Building file: ../hellov8.c' recipe for target 'hellov8.o' failed

make: *** [hellov8.o] Error 1

14:21:20 Build Finished (took 125ms)


However, I can successfully compile/generate .axf file if set "CDT Internal Builder" (means builder type: Internal Builder).

I think it must be some system environment setting issue. Is there anyone can help out this? Thanks~~~~

System Info:

Window 7 64-bit

ARM DS-5 Ultimate Edition v5.22 and v5.23 (I tried both versions)

Compiler 6/6.3 (I tried both versions)



DS-5 Compiler 6 Error.jpg1. Build_Builder Settings.jpg2. Build_Tool Chain Editor.jpg3. Build_Settings_Tool Settings_ARM C Compiler 6_Target.jpg4. Build_Settings_Tool Settings_ARM Linker 6_Image Layout.jpg5. Resource_Linked Resources.jpg