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How to run RenderDoc on linux (Openg GL ES 3.0 in Mali-G610)

Hi, I am using Open GL ES 3.0 in Mali-G610.

Since I had a diffucilty of using 'Fragment Count Statics' in Graphics Analyzer, I was recommended to used RenderDoc instead.

I am trying to use RenderDoc on linux, but it seems like 'Lanuch Application' is not working on linux. 

Is there any other methods that I can use RenderDoc on linux? 

I tried to find documents of guidance, but there were no exact guidance of using RenderDoc on linux.

I would like to know if there is any other ways that I can use it or other tools that support the analyzing fragment count of Openg GL ES 3.0.

Thank you.

  • Hi Hyerin, I'm happy to help you with using RenderDoc but I think you have been misinformed as RenderDoc is graphics debugger, not a profiler.  It won't help you with fragment counts.

    Can you tell us what you're trying to measure and for what reason?  There may be better ways of achieving this.

  • Hi Cam.

    Thank you for letting me know that RenderDoc is not used as a profiler.

    I have been using Graphics Analyzer to analyze the shader, but I found out that 'Fragment Count' icon is not enabled.

    Other icons work fine but only 'Fragment Count' icon is not working, so I am having difficulites of analyzing fragment shader.

    Below image is the one that shows the 'Fragment Count' icon is not working. 

    Therefore, I would like to know if there are any other ways that I can make 'Fragment Count' icon enable or other methods that I can measure fragment counts.

    I am using OpenGL ES 2.0 in Mali-G610 on linux and I also wonder the reason 'Fragment Count' icon is not enabled is the version of OpenGL ES.

    Should I use the OpenGL ES 3.0 or above versions to make this icon enable? 

  • Hi Hyerin,

        This is an issue with Graphics Analyzer which we don't intend to address as it is deprecated. We will be adding support for this functionality to Frame Advisor in the future.

