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TPIU Trace Clock How to Configure for ETM Tracing


Is there a simple way to configure the TPIU trace clock for ETM trace capture pls? This is for a Cortex M33 and the traceclk will vary (depending on CPU clock and power saving) so we will need to configure the TPIU clock via DAP I guess?

Wasnt sure if this was something that ARM DS will support.



  • Hi again

    Is the divider intended to be configurable by software?  If so, then it will need to present itself as a memory-mapped peripheral, containing register(s) that the user can read/write to.  I guess just one 32-bit register would be sufficient.  You'll need to decide on its address in the memory map.  You'll then be able to access that address either from application software, or from the Debugger.  In the Debugger, you can read/write the register at that address using the Memory view, or using the Debugger command-line with e.g.:
    memory set <address> 0 <value>
    You can also have it appear in the Registers view by creating a Target Configuration File (.tcf) for it using the Target Configuration Editor.

    If you need further help with this, I suggest you open a Support case using the Support > Arm Support Services links at the top of this page.


  • Hi again

    Is the divider intended to be configurable by software?  If so, then it will need to present itself as a memory-mapped peripheral, containing register(s) that the user can read/write to.  I guess just one 32-bit register would be sufficient.  You'll need to decide on its address in the memory map.  You'll then be able to access that address either from application software, or from the Debugger.  In the Debugger, you can read/write the register at that address using the Memory view, or using the Debugger command-line with e.g.:
    memory set <address> 0 <value>
    You can also have it appear in the Registers view by creating a Target Configuration File (.tcf) for it using the Target Configuration Editor.

    If you need further help with this, I suggest you open a Support case using the Support > Arm Support Services links at the top of this page.

