How can I profile a Native Application on the Android device?
Suppose I have an native application and can execute it on an Android device at `/data/local/tmp/my.bin` . How can I profile this application with Streamline?
Inspired by this thread: I have pushed `gatord` (located at `Arm_Performance_Studio_2024.0/streamline/bin/android/arm64/` to the android device and run the exectuable like so:
./gatord --output /data/local/tmp/ --app my.bin ``
However, I cannot see a trace file afterwards. How could I profile this application?
HI could you tell me is performance studio can profile mali G710 with openCL mode .
i have a mali G610 ,but it seem that no tool can profile openCL mode on my device, so i want buy a device with Mali G710.