Attempting to utilize Jenkins with Arm Development Studio 2022.2 to do some builds but the pipeline fails.
This is the command being run (based on the documentation):
C:\"Program Files"\Arm\"Development Studio 2022.2"\bin\armds_idec.exe -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application com.arm.cmsis.pack.project.headlessbuild -data C:\git\workspace -import test_module\code -cleanBuild "Test_Project/Debug"
Here's the relevant log output:
11:46:07 Build Finished. 0 errors, 80 warnings. (took 21s.966ms)Armds_idec:Java was started but returned exit code=1-Xms1024m-Xmx2048m--add-opens=java.base/\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2022.2\bin\..\sw\ide\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.6.400.v20210924-0641.jar-os win32-ws win32-arch x86_64-launcher C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2022.2\bin\..\sw\ide\armds_idec.exe-name Armds_idec--launcher.library C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2022.2\bin\..\sw\ide\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.2.400.v20211117-0650\eclipse_11602.dll-startup C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2022.2\bin\..\sw\ide\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.6.400.v20210924-0641.jar--launcher.overrideVmargs-application com.arm.cmsis.pack.project.headlessbuild-data C:\git\workspace-import test_module\code-cleanBuild Test_Project/Debug-vm C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2022.2\bin\..\sw\ide\\../java/bin/server/jvm.dll-vmargs-Xms1024m-Xmx2048m--add-opens=java.base/\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2022.2\bin\..\sw\ide\\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.6.400.v20210924-0641.jar
and the armds_ide.ini:
The only thing that was added to the .ini from stock was the -Xms and -Xmx options.
When running from the IDE, there are no errors when I close out. I tried the recommended eclipse option of using "-XX:-UseCompressedOops" but that produces a new error:
Opening 'Test_Project'.Invalid Arguments: [-XX:-UseCompressedOops, -cleanBuild, Test_Project/Debug, -no-indexer]Error: Unknown argument: -XX:-UseCompressedOops -cmsisRoot {path} CMSIS-Packs root directory -help prints the list of argumentsArmds_idec:Java was started but returned exit code=2
Also tried removing/modifying the Xms and Xmx options, setting JAVA_HOME, switching between the .dll and .exe for the -vm argument and even re-installing but no luck. The system where the project is to be run is clean: only has the java that was installed with the Arm Development Studio nor has any environment variables like JAVA_HOME set. The fails occurs whether I try to run through the pipeline or directly from a command prompt. The error also occurs when I try to run armds_idec on my local machine.
So it turns out that the default configuration I selected was wrong. At first, when I went into "Build Configurations->Manage", I was given a choice of Debug or Release for "Default configuration." When I went back in, I was given the options of "Debug : Arm Compiler 5" or "Release : Arm Compiler 5". I choose the debug option and all seemed well, at least within the GUI environment. Going back in for a third time, I saw options for "Arm Compiler 5" and "Arm Compiler 5.06u3" with the second being for the 5.0.6u3 toolchain I installed. Not sure why I had to jump through hoops to find it but as soon as I rebuild my configurations using the defaults for 5.0.6u3, the "orphaned toolchain" and Java errors all went away. So the problem does appear to be that the toolchain specific plugins/versions didn't get picked up when I first went to create the project. I even went back into a copy of the project and the toolchain specific version will not show up until after I create at least one temp configuration using the "Arm Compiler 5" version. The workaround to create the temp from the old default and then use the correct/toolchain default once it appears has worked every time so far.
Glad to hear that you've resolved the issue, and thanks for sharing the solution with the community :)