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[ERROR: Cannot find any frames] while using Performance Analysis

I captured system and GPU info via Streamline 8.3 (Build 8.3.0.v20221116_1421) on ubuntu 20.04 successfully, 

while i cannot analysis the output with "apc" suffix via Performance Advisor 8.3 (Build 8.3.0.v20221116_1421).

pa Capture_3588.apc/ -p video_stereo_server_V2
    Importing capture...
    Fetching data...
    Preparing report type html...
    Problems were found preparing html report:
    WARNING: Build name not provided. You can add this as a command line argument (use --build-name).
    WARNING: Build timestamp not provided. You can add this as a command line argument (use --build-timestamp).
    WARNING: Device name not provided. You can add this as a command line argument (use --device-name).
    WARNING: Cannot find draw calls counter. Use LWI or GA interceptor when creating your capture to obtain draw calls data.
    ERROR: Cannot find any frames. Please refer to the user guide for methods of providing frame data to Performance Advisor

is there something wrong with these tools call, or any solution to solve this problem

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