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streamline stream capture failed

Hi Arm experts,


When I start Streamline in host ubuntu18.04


Logcat error message with logcat *:E in android side, got below errors


And then press Start capture button as below



Capture stopped immediately



And got below error message in android side.





I see similar issue at, and I tried like the links says. And got the same issue.




My question is are those the same issue?  And how to solve this.





  • My question is are those the same issue? 

    No, unlikely to be the same issue - that post dates back to 2019 when we used a very different capturing mechanism.

    The socket errors are likely just noise from adb, so are likely not the real cause of the error. 

    You also do seem to capture some data, so it looks like the port isn't blocked completely and it's failing for another reason. 

    * What version of Streamline are you using?

    * What device are you using?

    * Does this reproduce all the time?

    * Can you share a full logcat log?

    Feel free to get in touch at
