I have a problem with ARM DS 2021.2 Linux version: when I do a step over instruction in my C code, I want to immediately go to the next C program line, but in ARM DS, the step over always goes int the assembly code for 3/4 steps before going to the next C line.
How can I solve this problem ? Is this an issue with some debugger parameter ?
Best Regards
Hello Ronan,
thanks for your answer. How do you configure the stepping mode to source instead of instruction ?
See the icon that I circled in my first reply. You can also 'set step-mode':https://developer.arm.com/documentation/101471/2022-0/Arm-Debugger-commands/Arm-Debugger-commands-listed-in-alphabetical-order/set-step-mode
If you are using the command line, try using 'next' rather than 'step':https://developer.arm.com/documentation/101471/2022-0/Arm-Debugger-commands/Arm-Debugger-commands-listed-in-alphabetical-order/nexthttps://developer.arm.com/documentation/101471/2022-0/Arm-Debugger-commands/Arm-Debugger-commands-listed-in-alphabetical-order/step