i use ARM develop studio 2021.2, debug by dstream.
when i connect the rasperry PI4 . it report this error message:
Unable to stop device Cortex-A72_0Cannot attain state requested.Unable to stop device Cortex-A72_0
[all]arm_64bit=1 #enable 64bit imageenable_uart=1 #enable pl uartuart_2ndstage=1 #enable FW debug info
enable_jtag_gpio=1gpio=22-27=a4init_uart_clock=48000000init_uart_baud=115200#kernel_old=1 # if we set it, the image will be load at 0x0, otherwise the 64bit image will be load on 0x80000#disable_commandline_tags=1 #Fix me, when set it, the image will be load on 0x0 ?
Hi DannyMy name is Stephen and I work at Arm.There is an example for Raspberry Pi 3 provided in the Arm DS examples (named "Raspberry-Pi-3_RAM" in Bare-metal_examples_Armv8.zip) that I would expect to work similarly for Raspberry Pi 4.In the Debug Configurations view, have you selected the configdb for Raspberry Pi 4 that is provided with Arm DS, or have you created your own?Please can you check that the jumper wires to connect the JTAG signals between DSTREAM/ULINK and Raspberry Pi are as described in the readme for Raspberry-Pi-3_RAM, and that config.txt contains just these lines:arm_64bit=1kernel_old=1enable_jtag_gpio=1disable_commandline_tags=1 I will try to verify bare-metal debug on Raspberry Pi 4 myself in the next day or two.Stephen
hi Stephen:
thanks you very much
1. I have selected the configdb for Rasperrby Pi4
2. my config.txt contains arm_64bit=1 and enable_jtag_gpio=1, because my code is running at 0x8000, so i do not cantains kernel_old=1 and disable_commandline_tags=1
3. I put my program in that raspberry pi and it works
4、I use openocd and jlink on ubuntu is debuggable
I found the reason, I didn't connect the ground of the raspberry pi4 and dstream,I thought the common ground was fine, only connect the ground of the raspberry pi4 and the computer.