I am new to Arm development tools. I am trying to create a project and write an assembly program. I followed several tutorials, but it seems that there is always something missing either in the project or in the assembly file itself. I really need help to start learning this. I am creating a C project and then add a new .s file to the project. I tried the one here (https://community.arm.com/developer/ip-products/processors/b/processors-ip-blog/posts/hello-world-in-assembly)
I also tried following some of the tutorial here but they are for DS 5 which is a legacy software, I have DS IDE 2020
Can someone please refer me to a tutorial that shows how to create a project to build and run an assembly program?
https://developer.arm.com/documentation/101469/2000/Tutorials/Tutorial--Hello-World(Duplicate of https://community.arm.com/developer/tools-software/oss-platforms/f/dev-platforms-forum/47172/creating-an-assembly-project-in-ds-ide-2020