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Problems with ARM DS-5

  • Note: This was originally posted on 21st March 2013 at

    The Community Edition of DS-5 does not include any compilers, so it seems you've installed something else (some gcc?).

    It would be useful to be able to see the exact command that is failing.  And, if you're using gcc then adding '-Wl,-v' will put the linker in verbose mode, which might emit a clue.

    Also, you can try right-clicking on Test.o and opening it with ELF Content Editor and look in it's symbol table and see if it has the symbol 'main' is defined and exported.
  • Note: This was originally posted on 21st March 2013 at

    Thanks for you answer.

    I'm quite new with these and I hope to give you the right answers

    -I installed MinGW as compiler.
    -I also installed ARM DS-5 (downloaded from Keil)

    -I added (Window / C/C++ /Build / Envirenment "Variable : PATH -- Value D:\ARMDS5\bin )

    -The exact Console text is

    **** Build of configuration Debug for project Test ****

    make all
    'Building file: ../Test.cpp'
    'Invoking: GCC C++ Compiler'
    arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++  -I"D:\ARMDS5\include" -I"D:\MinGW\include" -O0 -g3 -Wall -c  -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"Test.d" -MT"Test.d" -o "Test.o"  "../Test.cpp"
    In file included from D:\Bernd\ARMDS5\include/rw/_defs.h:37:0,
                  from D:\ARMDS5\include/iosfwd:35,
                  from D:\ARMDS5\include/iostream:35,
                  from ../Test.cpp:7:
    D:\ARMDS5\include/rw/_config.h:40:38: fatal error: rw/config/rwconfig_std.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    make: *** [Test.o] Error 1

    **** Build Finished ****
    The Erros at the Problem lists are
    Description                                     Resource Path Location  Type
    make: *** [Test.o] Error 1         Test                                     C/C++ Problem

    Description                                                                                             Resource Path Location                                                                                             Type
    fatal error:  rw/config/rwconfig_std.h: No such file or directory Test                           line 40, external location:  D:\ARMDS5\include\rw\_config.h C/C++ Problem

    unforunetly I dont get a Test.o anymore.

    Its not clear  for me where I should add the '-Wl,-v' .

    I hope that are the information you want.