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ADS 1.2 to DS-5 switch over questions

Note: This was originally posted on 26th October 2012 at


I'm new to this board (and to DS-5) so before I present my technical questions I have a non-technical one about the forum itself.  I don't see the ability to search a particular forum.  All I see is a search window that lets me search the entire site.  What am I missing?

Anyway, I have an ADS 1.2 project that I am attempting to convert to DS-5 and I have several problems/questions.  The project consists of mixed C files and assembly files.  Some of the C files are compiled for ARM and some for THUMB.  Similarly for the assembly files.  Some of the C files have inline assembly code:

1. In ADS 1.2 I am able to select whether I want a file compiled with ARM or THUMB instructions simply based upon the file extension.   Thus, I can do mixed compiles within a single projeect.  I have found this very useful when optimizing memory usage but I don't see this option in the Eclipse IDE.  All I can find is an option to compile all files for either ARM or THUMB or default, whatever that means.

2. All of my inline assembly code that references register r13 (or sp) gets an "undefined identifier" error on those identifiers.

3. All of my inline assembly code that references register r5 gets a warning that states "Implicit physical register R5 should be defined as a variable".

4. When I ask for linker memory map listings there is often so much information that the console window buffer is not large enough to hold all of it and the earlier information scrolls off the top of the window and out of the buffer forever.  How do I increase the buffer size for the console window?

5. In some of the listings that ADS 1.2 provided it was indicated whether the code that was generated for each file in the project was ARM or THUMB.  How do I get this information on DS-5.

6. Are there any PDF files available for DS-5 like there were for ADS 1.2 that provide detailed user guides for the IDE, compiler, assembler, linker, and the host of related things that ADS 1.2 provided?

  • Note: This was originally posted on 26th October 2012 at

    I don't see the ability to search a particular forum.  All I see is a search window that lets me search the entire site.  What am I missing?

    See the instructions at the bottom of the pinned "[Info] ARM Forum Service Level and Guidelines" post.

    1. In ADS 1.2 I am able to select whether I want a file compiled with ARM or THUMB instructions simply based upon the file extension.   Thus, I can do mixed compiles within a single projeect.  I have found this very useful when optimizing memory usage but I don't see this option in the Eclipse IDE.  All I can find is an option to compile all files for either ARM or THUMB or default, whatever that means.

    The .tc extension mechanism has been removed, but you can use  '#pragma arm' or '#pragma thumb' in the source files now.

    2. All of my inline assembly code that references register r13 (or sp) gets an "undefined identifier" error on those identifiers.

    3. All of my inline assembly code that references register r5 gets a warning that states "Implicit physical register R5 should be defined as a variable".

    Inline assembly generally no longer gives you access to physical registers (it causes the compiler too much internal pain).  Reading $SP is probably best done with the __current_sp() intrinsic.  Maybe give an example of what you're trying to accomplish with the inline asm.

    4. When I ask for linker memory map listings there is often so much information that the console window buffer is not large enough to hold all of it and the earlier information scrolls off the top of the window and out of the buffer forever.  How do I increase the buffer size for the console window?

    You can use the --list=map.txt option to put the map output into a file.

    5. In some of the listings that ADS 1.2 provided it was indicated whether the code that was generated for each file in the project was ARM or THUMB.  How do I get this information on DS-5.

    Object files can have both ARM and Thumb code in them.  Fromelf -c can show you the code.

    6. Are there any PDF files available for DS-5 like there were for ADS 1.2 that provide detailed user guides for the IDE, compiler, assembler, linker, and the host of related things that ADS 1.2 provided?

    There's a PDF version of each document in Help > Help Contents > ARM DS-5 Documentation > ARM Compiler toolchain if you scroll to the bottom of any page.  The docs are also online at (including PDF).

    You may find the RVDS 2.0 Getting Started guide helpful as it covers some of the biggest changes since ADS 1.2.
  • Note: This was originally posted on 26th October 2012 at


    Thank you very much for the detailed and informative responses.  I do appreciate that you took the time to be so thorough.
