Hi All,
For DS-5, I want to select the toolchain by script automatically. whether select_toolchain.bat support to take parameter directly?
like select_toolchain.bat 1
Hi fnjcr
Sorry, select_toolchain.bat was not designed to accept a parameter directly, but it is possible to create a script based on it that performs what you want to do.
Create a .bat file containing:
@echo offfor /f "delims=" %%a in ('..\sw\tcm\get_toolchain_path.bat "%~1"') do set TC_PATH=%%aset PATH=%TC_PATH%;%PATH%
Then you can invoke this bat file from the DS-5 Command Prompt with a parameter, e.g.
set_toolchain.bat "Arm Compiler 6 (DS-5 built-in)"
Hope this helps