I am trying to debug a Linux application running inside the HPS of an Intel Stratix 10 and have run into a recurring error message.
I am using the DS-5 Community Edition that is downloaded along side the Intel Quartus tools. I have followed the steps in the Rocketboards debugging procedure and receive the above error message at step 8.
Does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong? The RSE successfully connects to the ARM and can see the files that are there. When I open up the ARM file structure I see the downloaded file there.
Hi again
I've tried to reproduce your issue, but without any success so far. I installed DS-5 v5.29.2 from developer.arm.com/.../downloadsand used the Activation Code given atdeveloper.arm.com/.../community-editionand was able to connect to a remote gdbserver.In my test, I installed DS-5 and entered the Activation Code as a non-root ordinary user.I'm puzzled why you are seeing in the Diagnostics:ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE in file "/home/my_username/.flexlmrc": "/root/.ds-5/licenses/DS-5 Altera Community Edition.lic:/root/.ds-5/licenses/DS-5 Altera Community Edition.lic"The duplicated paths to the .lic file within one single set of quotes might be confusing things. Did you set the license when logged-in as root or when using sudo?I see just:ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE in file "/home/my_username/.flexlmrc": "/home/my_username/.ds-5/licenses/DS-5 Altera Community Edition.lic"I can see the DS-5 Altera Community Edition.lic file is present in "/home/my_username/.ds-5/licenses/"The file "/home/my_username/.flexlmrc" simply containsARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE=/home/my_username/.ds-5/licenses/DS-5 Altera Community Edition.licI suggest you try re-installing DS-5 v5.29.2 and entering the Activation Code as a non-root ordinary user. Root/sudo privilege is not needed for gdbserver connections.
"I suggest you try re-installing DS-5 v5.29.2 and entering the Activation Code as a non-root ordinary user. Root/sudo privilege is not needed for gdbserver connections."
We tried it and it worked! Thanks!