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ARM-DS5 CE does not compile

Note: This was originally posted on 15th December 2011 at


does DS5-CE not contain the compiler ?
I think I did install everything correct, but Eclipse only finds my old 2.2 armcc ?

  • Note: This was originally posted on 16th December 2011 at

    ARM Compiler is not included in DS-5 Community Edition. DS-5 Community Edition is aimed at Android development, and for this you can use tools supplied in Android SDK and Android NDK for building. If you specifically want ARM Compiler you'll need to purchase DS-5 Professional Edition.

    :-) So why does a new DS5 project select armcc as compiler. Well, I effectively see no advantage of the "DS5" compared to normal Eclipse. And why is a license needed ?

    Anyway thanks, for clearing this.
  • Note: This was originally posted on 20th December 2011 at

    For Android community development we expect users will use the build environment provided by NDK (including the GNU toolchain), so integration in theDS-5 project wizard has not been a priority.  Having armcc be the default compiler in the DS-5 project wizard is an artifact of the professional DS-5 Edition.

    The real added value from DS-5 is in the debugger and Streamline performance analyser.

    Using a license is primarily an implementation detail to make it simpler to maintain the Community Edition in a single code base with the other editions.