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Flash Programming failed error on LPC1519 while debugging a simple C code.


So i know this isn't something to do with the board but the debugger configuration in the ARM-DS Ver.2018 software as i implemented this code on Keil MicroVision and it worked properly.I imported the project from Keil and it is getting built properly however when i try executing a new debug hardware connection, it connects the target pro but while executing the flash multiple-load command it throws the following error:

Once this error comes in the command window ,in the progress tab the loading bar just gets stuck on initializing DTSL and does not exit until I pause the debugging.Please someone help me with  this problem this occurs when i enable debug from symbol(main) but does not happen when i do it with debug from entry point.

But however when i select the second option after jumping through instructions in the startup file just before it enters main it get stuck on a particular instruction and the command line throws an error like:

Unable to get address/ access to SP

The first highlighted error is the one which is causing the trouble, everytime i try to initiate a new debug connection.

Thank you.

WARNING(TAD451): Errors were found whilst processing CMSIS SVD file "C:\Users\Administrator\Development Studio Workspace\.metadata\.plugins\com.arm.debug.cmsis\DS-MDK\SVD\LPC15xx\LPC15xx.svd". See report "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\svd_report3943043305616492283.log" for details.
Stopping running target LPC1500_DFP_LPC1549JBD100 on connection
Connected to running target LPC1500_DFP_LPC1549JBD100
Execution stopped in Handler mode due to a breakpoint or watchpoint: 0x030002FE
0x030002FE B {pc} ; 0x30002fe
cd "C:\Users\Administrator\Development Studio Workspace"
Working directory "C:\Users\Administrator\Development Studio Workspace"
Execution stopped in Handler mode at 0x030002FE
0x030002FE B {pc} ; 0x30002fe
reset reset.system
flash load-multiple "C:\Users\Administrator\Development Studio Workspace\Blinky (MCB1500)_LPC1549_Flash\Debug\Blinky (MCB1500)_LPC1549_Flash.axf"
! Flash programming failed
! Flash programming failed
! Verify failed at address: 0x0000001c
file "C:\Users\Administrator\Development Studio Workspace\Blinky (MCB1500)_LPC1549_Flash\Debug\Blinky (MCB1500)_LPC1549_Flash.axf"
Execution stopped in Privileged Thread mode due to a breakpoint or watchpoint: 0x0200147C
0x0200147C B {pc} ; 0x200147c
reset reset.system
load "C:\Users\Administrator\Development Studio Workspace\Blinky (MCB1500)_LPC1549_Flash\Debug\Blinky (MCB1500)_LPC1549_Flash.axf"
Ignored loads to:
0x00000000 ~ 0x0003FFFF (LPC1549JBD100-0)
Entry point 0x00000111
set debug-from *$ENTRYPOINT

Thank you

  • Hello,

    This is a known issue with Arm Development Studio and a number of the Keil evaluation boards based on NXP SoCs. Essentially the device requires a checksum to be embedded into the vector table, which is done by the flash algorithms. However, the debugger fails to correctly validate the checksum when performing the 'Verify' step.

    The workaround is to simply uncheck 'Verify' in the flash dialog box.

    As mentioned, this is a known issue and something we plan to address in a future release of Arm DS.

    Best regards.

  • Hello,

    This is a known issue with Arm Development Studio and a number of the Keil evaluation boards based on NXP SoCs. Essentially the device requires a checksum to be embedded into the vector table, which is done by the flash algorithms. However, the debugger fails to correctly validate the checksum when performing the 'Verify' step.

    The workaround is to simply uncheck 'Verify' in the flash dialog box.

    As mentioned, this is a known issue and something we plan to address in a future release of Arm DS.

    Best regards.

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