I'd like to find out the debug HW present on MCUs I'm working with.
I have some understanding about ROM tables and I wonder if there is a list of part numbers of ARM debug components?
If there are part numbers of other designers, that wouldn't harm either, but I think most of the devices I work with probably have ARM debug components.
Hi Juha,
Do you have access to a DS-5 installation (not ArmDS - see later for why [*])? If not, you can go get one and install it, see here:
I would suggest getting v5.27.1 and installing it. You dont need a license just to install it (but you can always get a FOC evaluation and have a play - but then I would suggest you played with ArmDS - its more recent)).
Once installed go take a look here:
C:\Program Files\DS-5 v5.27.1\sw\debugger\configdb\Components
You will see a file called components.xml.
This file is documented here: https://developer.arm.com/docs/101470/latest/platform-configuration/configuration-database/componentsxml-file
The contents give you part number (JEP code etc) for many Arm debug components and many other components. I think this is what you are after.
[*] For more recent versions of DS-5 and ArmDS, the components.xml files was merged into a Java class and so is not directly available :-(
Hope this helps.
Regards Tony
Thanks! Just started downloading (the Linux version).