Hi ,
I'm trying to print something via "ITM_SendChar();" in the Debug (printf) Viewer of Keil. But it seems no work for me.
Environment: KEIL v5.17 + STM32L475VE + ST-LINK V2-1
Trace settings:
Code in main.c:
void main(void) { //SYSCLK = HSE / PLLM * PLLN / PLLR //SYSCLK = 8M / 1 * 20 /2 = 80M SystemClock_Config(); while(1) ITM_SendChar('A'); }
Observed things:
1. There is no prints in the debug (printf) viewer(see pictures)
2. There is "Trace: no synchronization" in the status bar during the running.(see pictures)
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance.