Is there a way to get DS-5 (Community edition) to use the build tools on the target platform?
The reason I ask is that I want to use Pth (threading library) - and while I can build it on the target platform (and get a libpth.a static library file) - if I copy this .a file back to my windows PC running DS-5 I am unable to get the tools to recognise it and link it with a simple (hello world) app even - always the error is "cannot find -llibpth"
After many combinations of -L and -l and so on - all results are the same "canot find " library - so I am thinking one of 2 things....
1) because the DE-10 Nano platform is running a different version of GCC? (gcc (Linaro GCC 6.2-2016.11) 6.2.1 20161016), perhaps the .a file is not compatible with the version on the DS-5 toolset? (GCC C Compiler 4 [arm-linux-gnueabihf])
2) If so, there is no solution other than me abandoning the DS-5 system, and just build on the platform with a makefile - and get on with things?
I should say that there is no problem bulding a simple "hello world" app (with no library requirements) on DS-5 and targetting it down to the DE-10 Nano from inside the ARM tools.... it's just coming up with a plan to allow me to configure/compile/link a 3rd party library along with it!
Does anybody else have experience with DS-5 on DE-10 Nano (or any Altera/Intel FPGA) and cross compiliing and linking to static libraries successfully?
I found the clue here:
You can use the --library=name option to specify static libraries, libname.a.
So - even though the actual filename is libpth.a - however the build tool only works if I say it is: pth
the tool adds the lib at the front and the .a at the end, and will not countenance the user supplying the full (and valid!) filename!?!?!
good grief.