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How can I print memory usage information in ARM DS-5 Console?

Hello, Does anyone know how I can print the memory usage information in ARM DS-5 Console?

Like the image below, Many Thanks.

  • Hi Rui,

    I dont know of any way to print it within Eclipse. However you can always Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C to copy the content and then paste it into a app that is able to print.

    Regards Tony

  • Hi Rui,

    The Arm linker has an option

    armlink --info=summarysizes

    which can display more detailed information about memory usage. This can be used in a makefile or should you be using the managed builder you can set the option using the GUI in the Tool Settings, Arm Linker 6, Additional Information.

    You can also use the fromelf program with the --info=totals option, or even double click the built .axf file to view it in Eclipse and inspect the section sizes.

    Regards Tony

  • Hi Rui,

    Just looking again at your screen shot, you seem to be after the RAM size? This seems a little unusual for an embedded system, so perhaps if you can tell us what your are trying to achieve, or which values you are after then I could give you more specific details on the value(s) in the Arm linker output you should look at. Also, the details behind this may depend on whether you are using our latest Arm Compiler 6 to build your project, or whether you are using our Arm Compiler 5.

    Regards Tony

  • To follow up from Tony's replies - the Arm linker does output size information. You can enable this in the project properties section.

    If you need something more detailed, please could you explain your requirements and we can advise.
