RdV3-R1 FVP - OS Installation issue

Hi Team,

Facing OS installation issue, while install & booting to OS with EDKII BIOS.
Using the RdV3-R1 FVP Arm Ecosystem FVPs – Arm Developer , downloaded the source with the help of XML 
TAG information:
FVP Tag - RD-INFRA-2024.09.30 
FVP Version - 11.27.25
With this source, able to boot to UEFI shell with EDK II BIOS.
OS Boot:
With the reference, tried below OS installation on FVP:
  1. debian-12.7.0-arm64-netinst.isoInstallation is getting started but terminated during the early installation stage. 
  2. ubuntu-24.04.1-live-server-arm64.iso - Facing hang.
    Also, enabled serial debugging in Linux installation.
    In the GRUB,
    • Press the key 'e' to edit
    • Included the 'console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200'
    • Boot by pressing 'CTRL+X'
    But the installation process of Ubuntu get hang. 

Our system configuration to build and boot to OS.
Processor           - 12th Gen Intel® Core  i5-12500 × 12
OS             - Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
Memory          - 32.0 GiB
Disk Capacity      - 1.0 TB

Please let us know is there any HW/SW recommendation for OS installation & boot on FVP or let us know what configuration is used on your end to boot to OS?
Mehala P