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FVP report errors when trying to use pci device (pci.pcivirtioblockdevice1)

FVP Model: FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA
version: Fast Models [11.23.9 (Sep 12 2023)]

RUN Parameters:

 FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA \                                                                                                                                              
     -C pctl.startup= \                                                                                                                                        
     -C bp.secure_memory=0 \                                                                                                                                          
     -C cluster0.NUM_CORES=4 \                                                                                                                                        
     -C cluster1.NUM_CORES=4 \                                                                                                                                        
     -C cache_state_modelled=0 \                                                                                                                                      
     -C cluster0.cpu0.RVBAR=0x04020000 \                                                                                                                              
     -C cluster0.cpu1.RVBAR=0x04020000 \                                                                                                                              
     -C cluster0.cpu2.RVBAR=0x04020000 \                                                                                                                              
     -C cluster0.cpu3.RVBAR=0x04020000 \                                                                                                                              
     -C bp.hostbridge.userNetPorts="8023=22" \                                                                                                                        
     -C bp.hostbridge.userNetworking=true \                                                                                                                           
     -C bp.pl011_uart0.untimed_fifos=1 \                                                                                                                              
     -C bp.pl011_uart0.unbuffered_output=1 \                                                                                                                          
     -C bp.pl011_uart1.untimed_fifos=1 \                                                                                                                              
     -C bp.pl011_uart1.unbuffered_output=1 \                                                                                                                          
     -C bp.pl011_uart0.out_file=./uart0.log \                                                                                                                         
     -C bp.pl011_uart1.out_file=./uart1.log \                                                                                                                         
     -C bp.dram_size=8 \                                                                                                                                              
     -C bp.smsc_91c111.enabled=true \                                                                                                                                 
     -C pci.pcivirtioblockdevice1.image_path=$IMGS/sd.img \                                                                                                           
     --data cluster0.cpu0=$IMGS/bl31.bin@0x04020000 \                                                                                                                 
     --data cluster0.cpu0=$IMGS/Image@0x80080000 \                                                                                                                    
     --data cluster0.cpu0=$IMGS/fvp-base-revc.dtb@0x90000000 \                                                                                                        
     --data cluster0.cpu0=$IMGS/Initrd@0xa0000000 -p $@                                 

During it runs, FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA reports error as following:

FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA: command line option --print-port-number ignored because no --cadi-server or --iris-server option specified
terminal_0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
terminal_1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
terminal_2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
terminal_3: Listening for serial connection on port 5003

Warning: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: ErrorBlock: Simulator only error message was sent by 0:2.0 but not acknowledged by Root Complex
In file: (unknown):0
In process: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.thread_p_27 @ 11943389820 ns

Warning: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: Virtio device failed to read memory at 0x0000000880839002
In file: (unknown):0
In process: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.thread_p_27 @ 11943389820 ns

Warning: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: ErrorBlock: Simulator only error message was sent by 0:2.0 but not acknowledged by Root Complex
In file: (unknown):0
In process: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.thread_p_27 @ 11943389820 ns

Warning: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: Virtio device failed to read memory at 0x0000000880839004
In file: (unknown):0
In process: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.thread_p_27 @ 11943389820 ns

It seems that some issue is met during device initializing, and linux kernel is blocked by smmu configuration.

It seems that some issue is met during device initializing, and linux kernel is blocked by smmu configuration.

Is there any suggestion?
