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ARMv8-M - toolchains / virtual platforms


I would be interested to try the new features of the ARMv8-M architecture, in particular v8-M TrustZone, but I can't find necessary tools in order to do so.

1. I need a toolchain that supports the new instructions introduced with v8-M (SG, BXNS, ...).

Apparently the ARM GNU toolchain has some support of the new v8-M, does it support the TrustZone-related instructions?

There is the ARM Compiler 6, I tried to use it but it requires a (paying?) license to run.

2. I need a device to run on. As far as I know there is no v8-M based SoC on the market yet so the only solution is to use a virtual platform.

Do you know if there is any qemu branch that has v8-M support yet?

I suppose ARM's FastModels based solutions support it but I couldn't find any non-paying solution. The "AEM V8-M FVP" also requires a license.

Thanks in advance for your answers