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in arm7tdmi, when FIQ and RIQ occures at same time so how both are executed sequentially,first FIQ and thenIRQ?

in arm7tdmi, suppose instruction is being executed and at same time FIQ and IRQ both occur  at same according to priority FIQ will be handled then IRQ  but my question is that how it will handled IRQ after  return from FIQ

i means what will be process done  at return of FIQ and how control will be transferred to IRQ  handler after return statement of FIQ handler ?

example    :

                                  address                  =>     instruction

                                0x00000100              :      MOV R0,R1

                                0x00000104              :      MOV R0,R1

   ==>                      0x00000108              :      MOV R0,R1   ; suppose this is instruction being executed and FIQ and IRQ  are raised at same time

                                0x00000110              :      MOV R0,R1

                                0x00000114              :      MOV R0,R1

                                0x00000118              :      MOV R0,R1

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  • Though I don't have a RasPi myself, I second chrisshore's suggestion. The Raspberry Pi is an excellent platform, which allows you to start from scratch or develop parts of your system under Linux and when you've finished enough components, you can put them together in a 'stand-alone' O/S.

    In addition to the above, you might benefit from getting a WD PiDrive, which was developed specifically for the Raspberry Pi. -It's no coincidence that it's 314 GB either.

    In case your development system is a PC, you could attach the PiDrive there, then move the drive to the Raspberry Pi for booting (or testing modules).