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how to execute the code from RAM ??


    i am working on XMC4500. i want to Implement Self Flashing i.e., the Controller Flash itself, Till now the code is Running from Flash. To Achive this one approach is if i Execute code from RAM Then flash Remains Free So that i Could Download the Code into Flash and Run it. Here my doubt is Can i Run the Code from RAM if so how could i achieve this ??

Thanks and Regards,


  • Thanks for Reply Sir,

    i have already posted in their forum,  i hope my post is not visible to them, till now i didn't got any reply for that, any way i will update the Solution whenever i got. i trying to do the following approach

    copy the code into PSRAM and assigning the PSRAM base address to Program Counter, for confirmation i am just asking you whether my approach is correct or wrong ??? as well as on browsing regarding this issue in so many posts they are modifying the startup file( *.s) and linker script file(*.ld), i need more clarity on linker script. could u suggest any link or book so that it would be helpful for me to achive my goal ???

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Thanks for Reply Sir,

    i have already posted in their forum,  i hope my post is not visible to them, till now i didn't got any reply for that, any way i will update the Solution whenever i got. i trying to do the following approach

    copy the code into PSRAM and assigning the PSRAM base address to Program Counter, for confirmation i am just asking you whether my approach is correct or wrong ??? as well as on browsing regarding this issue in so many posts they are modifying the startup file( *.s) and linker script file(*.ld), i need more clarity on linker script. could u suggest any link or book so that it would be helpful for me to achive my goal ???

    Thanks and Regards,

