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How to avoid bus error while using neon instruction vld2.32 on cortex a7?

Hi, I am using imx6ul board which has cortex a7 processor. I am using ffmpeg .s files which has assembly code to integrate into our project to speed up the code.  Here is the ffmpeg code in the file mdct_neon.S.

#include "asm.S"
.fpu neon

.global ff_imdct_half_neon
function ff_imdct_half_neon  //, export=1
        push            {r4-r8,lr}

        mov             r12, #1
        ldr             lr,  [r0, #20]          @ mdct_bits
        ldr             r4,  [r0, #24]          @ tcos
        ldr             r3,  [r0, #8]           @ revtab
        lsl             r12, r12, lr            @ n  = 1 << nbits
        lsr             lr,  r12, #2            @ n4 = n >> 2
        add             r7,  r2,  r12,  lsl #1
        mov             r12, #-16
        sub             r7,  r7,  #16

       vld2.32         {d16-d17},[r7,:128],r12 @ d16=x,n1 d17=x,n0
        vld2.32         {d0-d1},  [r2,:128]!    @ d0 =m0,x d1 =m1,x



I am getting bus error when the processor executes vld2.32    {d16-d17},[r7,:128],r12.  I know this is a neon assembly instruction. I tried with different compilation flags like

arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon -mno-unaligned-access 

arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv7-a  -mfpu=neon -mno-unaligned-access                   

arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv7-a  -mfpu=neon        

But I am unable to resolve this. Can anyone help me to solve this... Thanks                         
  • "bus error" in Linux can indicate that you've failed to meet the alignment requirements of the load/store instruction.

    The VLD2 you are referencing with ":128" appended to the base register requires that the base address be at least 128-bit aligned.

    Are you sure that r7 contains an address that is appropriately aligned (i.e. the four least significant bits are zero) ?


  • "bus error" in Linux can indicate that you've failed to meet the alignment requirements of the load/store instruction.

    The VLD2 you are referencing with ":128" appended to the base register requires that the base address be at least 128-bit aligned.

    Are you sure that r7 contains an address that is appropriately aligned (i.e. the four least significant bits are zero) ?

