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What is real application of Exclusive access in AXI


  What is real time application of AXI exclusive access.

  Is it necessarily to do Exclusive read first then exclusive write.

  May i know the reason is it so?

  • Hi pkoti0583,

    AXI exclusive accesses are used whenever a master needs to do a read-modify-write sequence, during which time it must know if any other master attempted to write to the location it is modifying.

    Exclusive sequences must always start with an exclusive read, and then assuming the read returns a successful EXOKAY response the master can then complete the exclusive sequence with the exclusive write.

    They are always read-then-write sequences, hence the requirement the read happens first.



  • Hi pkoti0583,

    AXI exclusive accesses are used whenever a master needs to do a read-modify-write sequence, during which time it must know if any other master attempted to write to the location it is modifying.

    Exclusive sequences must always start with an exclusive read, and then assuming the read returns a successful EXOKAY response the master can then complete the exclusive sequence with the exclusive write.

    They are always read-then-write sequences, hence the requirement the read happens first.



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