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Question on how to calculate the axi read time


I have a question on axi read time. If we have 20 read commands, the read outstanding is 4 and read latency is 500ns, how much time is needed to read all of these data back?

I feel puzzled on this for a long time and I need a relatively accurate calculate method. Expect your help.

Best Regards,


  • Hello redbud,

    to calculate the total latencies some information will be lack.
    It will depend on a master functionality, and READY states.
    What frequency is the ACLK?
    What is the burst length?
    The following figure is on condition READY signals are always ready and the burst length is 1.

    Also It would show the fastest case.

    From the figure, the total latencies would be 5 x 500ns + 7 x ACLK.

    Best Regards,
    Yasuhiko Koumoto.

  • Hello redbud,

    to calculate the total latencies some information will be lack.
    It will depend on a master functionality, and READY states.
    What frequency is the ACLK?
    What is the burst length?
    The following figure is on condition READY signals are always ready and the burst length is 1.

    Also It would show the fastest case.

    From the figure, the total latencies would be 5 x 500ns + 7 x ACLK.

    Best Regards,
    Yasuhiko Koumoto.
