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TrustZone in ARM Cortex M3

How enable Trust Zone to run the trusted application in ARM Cortex M3. 

  • TrustZone is a feature of Armv8-M based microcontrollers. The Arm Cortex-M3 is a Armv7-based device. So you need a Cortex-M23/33/55/85 based device. Please also note that not every Armv8-M based device is TrustZone enabled. Check with the MCU vendor if TrustZone is implemented in a specific device.

  • TrustZone is a feature of Armv8-M based microcontrollers. The Arm Cortex-M3 is a Armv7-based device. So you need a Cortex-M23/33/55/85 based device. Please also note that not every Armv8-M based device is TrustZone enabled. Check with the MCU vendor if TrustZone is implemented in a specific device.
