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ARMv8 trigger core dump


We need to trigger a dump via the use of ARMV8 instructions but we have not found a reliable way of doing this. We have tried the following:

  • set the PSTATE flags via MSR DAIFClr, #0b1111
  • Instigate an Illegal Vector Table Fetch
    • // Relocate vector table to illegal address
      ldr x3, 0xE000ED00
      mov x2, #0x1000000
      str x2, [x3, #8]

      // Trigger PendSV exception to read invalid vector
      ldr x3, 0xE000ED00
      mov x2, 0x10000000
      str x2, [x3, #4]
      dsb sy

This is after stopping all cores and then restarting them after issuing these instructions.

Question is, is there a better way to force a dump?