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  • How could such long period be implemented?

    As suggests - use software.

    Have a timer configured to some suitable time interval - or "tick" - and then count the ticks to give the delay you require.

    This is a general approach - not specific to Cortex-M; eg, it's how the Arduino millis() works ...

    In fact, it's not even specific to microcontrollers - it's how mechanical clocks have worked for centuries!

  • How could such long period be implemented?

    As suggests - use software.

    Have a timer configured to some suitable time interval - or "tick" - and then count the ticks to give the delay you require.

    This is a general approach - not specific to Cortex-M; eg, it's how the Arduino millis() works ...

    In fact, it's not even specific to microcontrollers - it's how mechanical clocks have worked for centuries!

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